Meg Savage Personal Training

In Person Personal Training

I love helping women build their confidence with fitness. So often we prioritise everything and everybody else and somewhere along the line our own needs get forgotten.

I want to help you change that.

I want to help you find you again; regain some much needed ‘me-time’, build your body and life confidence and show you how strong you can be.


Because I’ve been there! Being a mum and having a career took priority and I woke up one day and realised I was in the worst shape of my life!

And doing something about it was really hard. I don’t want it to be that hard for you…

I also know how it feels to be constantly hearing about the menopause (and much as I don’t want to admit it knowing that it’s probably not a million years off) and how strength training and building strong muscles and bones helps you deal with it but not necessarily knowing exactly what this strength training and muscle building looks like?


I work with you to understand your goals, needs and constraints.

I then create a fitness programme that works for you, that you’ll find motivating and challenging and most importantly pushes you towards your goals.

We’ll work together to make sustainable lifestyle changes as needed and I’ll be your cheerleader throughout the journey, wether it’s months or years that we work together.